
Our pneumatic recovery sandblasting rooms of the abrasive are equipped with a special fully pneumatic system type “DELTA FLOOR”, system tested for over 50 years of construction of these rooms, the only truly effective to use a light or very fine abrasives.

The air intake is through the same circuit because the air itself is the vehicle to transport the abrasive to the recovery/ separator and then suction ensures that the dusts dragged on the filter cartridges. The floor is composed of many small hoppers in amounts proportional to the surface of the floor. The abrasive falls under gravity on the floor, in the small hoppers.


The air is intaken through the roof holes of the room and conveyed vertically downward. The airflow, through the small hoppers, raises the abrasive, runs through the cross pipes and carries it in the concentrator.
The abrasive is separated from the lighter parts and the air with the dust goes to the filters. The abrasive, separated at the bottom of the concentrator, is then inhaled in the current recovery by another flow, come in a cyclone from the crushed abrasive and dust is separated from the abrasive, sieved from large parts and stored in the recovery hopper. From the recovery hopper then passes into the pressure hopper, ready to be re-launched through the nozzle.
The air circulation from top to bottom has a large effect on dust removal and produces an excellent visibility.
If the installation of binaries is needed, they are supported on sturdy rails welded on the small hoppers and resting on a cement floor.

With this room, you can use, in addition to light abrasives such as aluminum oxide (corundum) or glass beads, also ferrous abrasives below a certain grain size.

The “DELTA FLOOR” blasting room employs a fully pneumatic system to provide inside ventilation, the abrasive recovery and reclaiming.
The dust abatement and visibility within the chamber is so excellent that it can serve the dual purpose of sandblasting and spray painting systems; in this case a wet dust remover is always used.

The ventilation air enters from the ceiling, through special deflectors complete with filters, and rapidly descends through the chamber and the countless hopper, carrying the abrasive, the dust and the debris produced by the sandblasting.
In systems for ferrous abrasives, everything is conveyed to the concentrator where the abrasive falls down and is consequently recovered, while all the lighter parts are transferred to the dust collector.
For non-ferrous abrasives, the floor is connected to the recuperator, mounted above the generator, and the abrasive and debris are conveyed directly to it, so the need for the concentrator is no longer required.